Abigor - 1995

"Nachthymnen ( From The Twilight Kingdom )"

Track List: 1. Unleashed Axe-Age 2. Scars In The Landscape Of God 3. Reborn Through The Gates Of Three Moons 4. Dornen 5. As Astral Images Darken Reality 6. The Dark Kiss 7. ... The blood is the life 8. I Face The Eternal Winter 9. Revealed Secrets Of The Whispering Moon 10. A Frozen Soul In A Wintershadow

1. Unleashed Axe-Age (This vision should not be seen as a part of the upcoming Viking trend) ++++++++++++++++++++ Ancient!... we invoke The polarities are united as one We are united as one By oaths once sworn - by blood The powers of darkness are unleashed Fire of Surt engulfes the world Fenrir unbound... Midgard drowned by the sea - let Naglfar be launched... The chains of Fenrir are rent asunder And the wolf shall course about... An axe-age, a sword-age... Come forth to receive the mark of fate And prepare yourself for battle The sun shall darken Vapour and fire shall rage together Till the leaping flame licks heaven itself... That the earth will be renewed in splendour And Surt shall endure, as Baldur endures... ...For the powers of darkness are eternal The twilight as come The dawn breaks in the east The world is alive Loki lives upon the earth It is done... The fire engulfs the earth Fenrir is free - the stars are falling 2. Scars In The Landscape Of God ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I'm the one behind the shadows Tyrant of damnation Believer in war I will build the bridge of hate To walk on pagan ways In the light of the moon ...Hate in my heart I wander through fire To the valley of the shadow I summon my inner self to strengthen my final will I will destroy the promised land of God To set the mighty flame Flame - thou of wisdom the greatest And to rise the hidden words The words of ancient knowledge The scars in the wind Guide my path to the dark Into my cold frozen reality ...This is the dawn of the final war The victory is written in my flesh I laugh as my enemies fall And the sun will retire Into the darkness of the night Forever 3. Reborn Through The Gates Of Three Moons ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I enter the gates Into the realm where nothing dies But I'm still so cold inside Mesmerized... By visions past and gone Till the end of time I will eternally dwell Im dunkelsten der Stьrme Falle zusammen die Kerkerwand Die mich schier endlos band Und herrlicher und freier walle Meine Seele ins unbekannte Land In the darkest of storms May crumble the dungeonwall That bound me almost endlessly And delightful and free may pilgrimage My soul into the unknown land I fly with the raven Through timeless spheres of frost... Through wasted lands of dreams Geflohen vor der Wirklichkeit - vor Ewigkeiten Und jenseits der Schwдrze erstreckt sich Ein unendliches Meer aus Grau... Ein Meer aus gestaltloser Leere Doch die Qualen und der Schmerz verbleiben Als Erinnerungen an die vergangene Zeit Stolz und doch verzweifelt... Und in meinem Innersten hoffe ich Daя mein Leben nur ein Traum ist... Fled from reality - for eternities And on the other side of the blackness An endless sea of greyness extends... A sea of formless emptiness Yet the misery and the pain remain As memories of passed time Proud yet desperate... And deep inside I hope that my life is just a dream... The moon is my blanket In this cold domain So ancient - so cold... As a nightmare creature I crawl Awakened from my sleep To forever be... Wiedergeboren... Bei den drei Monden durch Mittwinters Tore Reborn... By the three moons through midwinter's gates I'm a shadow on haunted ground Laughing in sorrow Crying in lust The storm is calming and death is rising Evil - as pure as night Proud - full of sin Once again I'll rise... To survive eternity... 4. Dornen +++++++++ Wartend auf einen schmerzlosen Tod - Die Flammen der Hцlle sind nichts Verglichen mit diesem Leben, Voll von wundenleckendem Licht, Umgeben von Grausamkeiten names Menschen - Keinen Tropfen Blut wert. Meine Seele entschwand dieser Welt Vor langer Zeit, Aber der immerwдhrende Haя band meinen Kцrper An diese Dimension. Ich wandere rastlos und leer, Auf der Suche nach Erlцsung und Harmonie, Wissend, daя diese Suche sinnlos ist, endlos. Jemand hatte die Macht - Und raubte mir die letzte Hoffnung, Den Mut diesen Schmerz zu beenden, mein Leben. Mein Wunsch kцnnte erfьllt werden - Hinwegschwinden, sanft und sicher, Auf Winterflьgeln in die letzte Und ewige Dunkelheit, In der Eiswinde durch mein Haar streifen. Thorns Waiting for a painless death - The flames of hell are nothing Compared to this life, Full of woundlicking light, Surrounded by atrocities called humans - Not worth a drop of blood. My soul left this world A long time ago, But the everlasting hate bound my body to this dimension. I wander restless and empty, Seeking deliverance and harmony, Knowing that this search has no use, endless. Someone had the power - And robbed the last hope from me, The courage to end this misery, my life. My wish could be fulfilled - Fade away, softly and certain, On winterwings in the last And eternal darkness, In the icewind blow through my hair. 5. As Astral Images Darken Reality ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kometen sind brennende Seelen, Die zur Strafe durch den Kosmos ziehen mьяen. Comets are burning souls, That have to travel through the cosmos for punishment. Nothing disturbs this transcendental harmony The only light that breaks up darkness Are the burning red stars Cosmic winds bear a waft Of a gigantic psychic force That the nineth dimension (colossal deep universe) holds And opens for me Desolation in purest shape Neither melodies nor cries Resound in this cold silence Nevertheless I feel the endless echo of melancholy No mountain, no tree, no lake But an endless wasteland of stones and ice Forms this realm where no king was ever born Because no life exists which can be ruled Here is the destination of my astral journey The only place where I find peace So I leave the world behind And replace earthbound grey To interstellar black I leave the world behind ! 6. The Dark Kiss by JFN 1995 ++++++++++++++++ Buried beneath forgotten cryptic stones Enshrined in silence, embraced by darkness Belonging to the hidden ancient race Am I still dead but dreaming Awaiting my time of resurrection Reminisce of a day long ago in past When I was blessed with the dark kiss The gift which immortalized me once Oh... I do remember the taste of hot blood Which was running upon my white face To moisten my dry lips With a burning kiss of mortality ...A burning kiss of mortality My eyes are blazing red in the night Leather wings adorn my huge back My fangs are sharp as frozen steel Prepared to caress thy beloved neck I rise from the tombworld, folding out my wings Flying up high through the nocturnal sky Looking for cretures who are worthy To get the dark kiss And to satisfy my hunger for blood During this night I do feel again the taste of hot blood My fangs are mutilating thy sweet flesh It's the painful bite of the dark kiss Vampires kiss... Blut ist Leben 7. ... The blood is the life 8. I Face The Eternal Winter ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flying silent on winter wings Flowing emotions from my bleeding soul Tears that flow burn my skin I'm drifting away on the cold wave of desolation I'm touching the wind as it sadly sings Carried to the disant unknown Eternity awaits me... My heart is so cold Emotions reached their freezing point ...Only pure hate Lost all that I was living for Crying without sound Thy sky has frozen to ice As the last drops of blood leave my body I hear the winter breath I'm the face of the night I'm all alone The fullmoon is glowing Snow falls from the sky I feel the eternal winter Holocaust winds are rising Like a dark northern breeze My cryptic journey has just begun 9. Revealed Secrets Of The Whispering Moon ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ...And so my mind is calm Ready for the darkest eons Candlelight caresses my eyes Incense smoke displaces soiled air This trip is part of an endless journey I'm Satan and Satan is me Finding myself through this experience Wash away all that ever was... My life is a funeral ceremony As I march through the mortals' graves I obey deepest inner instincts And gain the endless power of darkness To place the seed of evil Right in the heart of the earth ...And all ancient power manifests as shadows Which darken not only my heart and soul But the holy light of all that dare to stand Against the forces of the black flame In der Nacht als der Mond tausend Gesichter hatte Offenbarte sich mir das Geheimnis Und anstatt der Haut in der Menschen Gesichter Sah ich nur dunkles Spinnennetzgeflecht In the night when the moon had a thousand faces The secret was revealed to me And instead of the skin in the human faces I saw only dark spiderwebs 10. A Frozen Soul In A Wintershadow +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wolves are howling to honour the moon My heart belongs to the past I feel attraction for the night My mind to the ancient times I wander through the fields where blood was split Awaiting the reign of the dark and the cold I can feel the creatures of the night My dreams are no illusions So I travel between these worlds My soul is frozen - evil rules my mind Able to face the eternal night Why am I born into this world ...Soon I will leave Into the sleep of death - never to return My life is just a darkened silent barricade Between all I ever wanted to be I will enter the other side To fly on the wings of death To ride with the wind to the ancient times To fade away to a blackened spiral - to see eternity To be a wintershadow out of time

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