Agony - 1995

""Apocalyptic Dawning""

Track List: 1. Cyberpsychosis 2. Post-Cataclysm... Suffering Days 3. Apocalyptic Dawning 4. An Instrumental Agony 5. Orbital Hide-Out 6. Silence 7. Vociferation 8. Homicide 9. After Death / Evicerated Pig 10. Visions Cadaveriques 11. Death by Suffocation in a Vagina

1. Cyberpsychosis +++++++++++++++++ A synthetic human race is born, The new generation! Human values are digitized, Our pathetic future is now arrived! Cyberpspace to replace human perception, Reflex boost with speed potion! Need a delay fix to stay alive Human clones are functional! Clonning everything that lives, BETRAYING! Try to overcome our natural, DEATH! Chemical madness we built a, MACHINE! Abnegation of the primitives, ROOTS! A screen to see! A transistor to think! A synthetic human race is born, Another kind of revolution! At the age of the nanosecond! Misfunction of the creation, I never expect to live this way! Welcome on earth, Where the second millenium as begun, They thought they could do that, Make machine thinks! 2. Post-Cataclysm... Suffering Days +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Devastated Surroundings, Distressed environment, What happened to humanity, Paralized! Sickness is omnipresent, In this world, and must go throught pain! But alas we just thwril, Some days of sadness, For our requiem, Dissapointment and shame till the end! Unknown comers of the mind, Unconquered spiritual way behind, Afraid of things we cannot see, Ignorance will draw us easily! Atrocious Starvation! Nature's revenge of our strange behaviours, A life on this planet earth, are you sure??? After these centuries of pure destruction, A life on this toilet earth are your sure??? Tornadoes, typhons, tidalwaves, Cyclones, earthquake from chaos to the grave! Scenery of mortuary plains, We forgot the everlasting pain! Fiendish for fulfill fail in the flood, Deepest damnation dawn in the death! Shuffled skuldggery, sky seems like blood! Borishness of bones back in the death! Will to die! To fly so high! Pass through the gate of misery To hide our lost soul! 3. Apocalyptic Dawning ++++++++++++++++++++++ Sooner or later will happen, Total destruction of creation! Radiation in the atmosphere, Human's total revocation! Someone heard the end is near, All the mass will disappear! First Impression of corruption! Till the world falls into darkness! " Ils erent dans les rues de la ville Nourris par les radiations! Les especes mutantes si viles, De rats en constante expansion!" Devastated scenery! Emeciated landscape! Someone heard the end is near! All the mass will disappear! First impression of corruption! Till the world falls into... darkness! 4. An Instrumental Agony 5. Orbital Hide-Out +++++++++++++++++++ Homicide, I'm gonna die! In a cage of a laboratory! I am stuck here, I must return! The panic grows, Cause' life is chaos! Breeze of death, Life's going shorter! The mortal try, A certain death as come! Orbital Hide-Out! Orbital Hide-Out!! Medical lies, Surgical chaos, DIE! 6. Silence ++++++++++ Des milliers d'ames sont tourmentee, Prisonnieres de leurs destinee! Dans le silence cachent leur enfance! Dans le silence cachent leurs souffrances! Recepteur de violence, Instrument de fantasme! Ils ont tue l'innocence, Pour atteindre l'orgasme! Dans le silence cachent leurs souffrances, Leurs souvenirs obsedants marquee au fer blanc! Dans la souffrance meurt l'innoncence! Dans la souffrance nait leur violence! Pedophilie tu viol leur corps! Pedofolie tu viol leur ames! C'est un mal de societee, Un cercle vicieux qu'il faut briser! Generations en generations Ce transmettent les aggressions! La victime devient l'agresseur, Le cercle vicieux regne par la peur! Certains secret sont lourds a porter, Cesse la souffrance, Brise le silence! 7. Vociferation +++++++++++++++ Agents of brutality, See them come infinitely! To inflict their reality, To rot in Horror! HORROR! See the bloody gore spill! From bodies, of the last race! Spirits from the other side, They watch our sorcery, Hiding guts horribly, That fixed you! AAHHH! Forces come to me... MODERN!!! Way to suprematy! Corpses fill my mindscape, As I try to escape! From this insanities, I'm walking in horror! HORROR! HORROR! HORROR! HORROR! When you fall into madness, All your rage give it to me! This form of brutality, Easier to access! Trash in the pits that attracts you, Nothing could keep you from! To fucking vociferate, AND LISTEN TO THIS SHIT! Spirits from the other side, They watch our sorcery! Hidding guts horribly! That fixes you! 8. Homicide +++++++++++ "En ce 10 mai 1992, la mort fit sont chemin jusqu'a lui. D'un elan de folie il le tua par jalousie. Cet hymne a la mort, Nous l'avons composee pour toi Remy. HOMICIDE" Jour de fete, fete des mere, Ont s'en christ, nous autres ont jam! Y manque quelqu'un, Que c'est qui fait? Y manque Remy ou c'est qui est? TV, radio, journaux sont tout excites. Y s'grouille le cul d'annoncer la nouvelle en premier! Il se font un devoir de vous montrer cette boucherie! Car il n'a que 14 ans le responsable d'la tragedie! Toe mon tabarnak, On n'est pas pret de t'oublier! Pour qui tu t'prend mon sacrament! Pour decider d'faire gicler le sang! T'es parents te haIssais, C'est pour notre chum qu'on comprendra jamais! T'es parents te ha&luml;ssais C'est pour Remy qu'on t'pardonnera jamais!! 9. After Death / Evicerated Pig +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Entombed in earth you make yourself, Can't see nothing around of you! You raise your fist, you touch the wood, OF YOUR COFFIN! Wants to exit from your cage, It seems you'll never be able! You try to scream, you start suffocating, You shall, you shall never be born! 10. Visions Cadaveriques ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Apres cette mort si douloureuse! Chatie mon corps, l'enfer tu creuse, Pour ma petite place au coeur du feu! Massacre ma face , christ moe dans l'creux! Obei-moi esprit du mal, Condamne-moi donc, D'une sentence sale! Oui j'peux en prendre d'un animal, Comme toe mon sale j'ai mene le bal! T'es obsede de m'condamner, Pour mon passe! J'ai trops marche dans ces coins bas, J'ai constate et vu mon trepas! Chez nous c'est moe qui es defonce, C'est pas ma porte qui l'a ete! J'ai bien pris soin d'la debarrer, Parce qu'imminente fut ton arrivee! Quel bonne surprise qui t'a petee, Drette que dans la face, t'as explose! Cadaverique fut ta vision! Mais au moins, chu pas en prison!! 11. Death by Suffocation in a Vagina ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here I stand in front on my nightmare, I can't stand this Agony! What my mother did to me, For all my life I'll resent here! Born and die inside of her, She thinks it was good for me! A punition of this seventy, Choosing for me my destiny! Mother, what have I done to you? Don't ask me, WHY I HATE YOU! When you bring me into this room, Fear and pain inside of you! Want to show me what was true, Violating my soul to please you! Spreading your legs in front of me, Licking and sucking your insanity! Pushing my head through your spasm, Until I lead you to an orgasm! Dead from your love, You think it was good to me! How as I die you cry for me! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lyrics taken from Metal lyrics page:

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