Arcane Sun - 1995
"Towards Elysium" [Demo]
Track List: 1. Canto I (the search) 2. Canto II (the arrival) 3. Sundreched (beneath the skies we sought) 4. The Promise (a culmination in sorrow)
1. Canto I (the search) +++++++++++++++++++++++ Many seasons have passed since first my search began, with each night came a quest.... to escape from a world where I could find no peace, only despair. Each night brought a sense of hope and each day, despair. Some nights I would catch a glimpse that would soon disappear among a myriad of thoughts and images, but still I would wade through and seek what I knew was waiting to welcome me..... Elysium to Greece, Byzantium to Yates. Few brief glimpses had strenghtened my desire and the lust for my own paradise, gave strenght to my withering soul. 2. Canto II (the arrival) +++++++++++++++++++++++++ I stood and watched, but I could not believe, I was new to this beauty... why had I been before? The metallic glowing blue, provoked memories long dormant and the deep red clouds flowed with the elegance of a queen. I was so far, yet the ambiance was so strong and I could feel my soul trying...... Trying to break free from this restricting mortal vest. Soon my spirit flies through the night sky,, like sand flowing through my fingers. Here I sense real peace, sinking into the clouds, I can forget the old world and despair no more. Sunrise brought a new day and I was drenched in my sun, it's warmth rejuvenated my once withered soul. Here I sense real peace, is this my paradise. 3. Sundreched (beneath the skies we sought) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A season died, no tears were shed, my eyes turned gold, there was fire in the sky. We were sundrenched. My world turned green and breathed as a new-born, my eyes turned gold there was fire in the sky. We were sundreched. 4. The Promise (a culmination in sorrow) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In a pool of tears, that are my own, I am sitting still crying. So many years and still no sign, so many years I am waiting. You promised me you would wait for me, but now as the sun sets once more, I am thinking that you have forgotten me.